EU Programme: Erasmus+ KA2: Cooperation partnerships in Higher Education
Reference: 2021-1-LT01-KA220-HED-000031124
Start date: 01/01/2022
End date: 31/12/2023

For more information contact us
mail: digituni@outlook.com

Basic information
DigitUni project focuses on the capacity development of humanities university professors and assistants to implement online, blended and distance teaching in a Hybrid On-line Environment (HOE) through strengthening and expanding their digital pedagogical skills and competences.

DigitUni therefore supports the humanities professors and assistants and their training process in becoming more innovative and digital, as well as more inter-connected with external partners (like IT/digital companies), thus strengthening the links between humanities departments and the research and innovation side of the digital world.


The main objective of DigitUni is to support the digital transformation and to strengthen the capacity of humanities professors to provide high-quality, inclusive, digital education through development of their digital competences and strengthening their cooperation with companies/experts in digital technologies.

  • Creating of a DigitUni Toolbox consisting of digital resources and guidance for application in hybrid and/or online educational process.
  • Developing a Manual on Hybrid/Online Education Process for humanities professors and assistants to adapt their teaching style to fit to the needs of the hybrid/online education in order to deliver high quality inclusive and engaging digital education.
  • Setting up e-platform and interactive repository to be used to host all DigitUni outputs and to work as a databank with various resources (both interactive and passive materials) for both the academic staff and the students in the hybrid/online education process.
  • “DigitUni Methodological Framework” describing the pedagogical interactive technology of the professional/pedagogical training on how the university professors, assistants and researchers will implement online, blended and distance teaching through a hybrid or online model;
  • Digital Toolbox, divided in several modules, providing a set of digital resources to support the humanities professors as to deliver high quality, inclusive digital education in the hybrid/online process;
  • “DigitUni Manual on Hybrid/Online Education Process” containing the main pedagogical approaches and providing tailor-made solutions adapted to local challenges in order to expand digital competences of both professors and students;
  • DigitUni e-learning platforms and interactive library.
  • Provided high quality, inclusive digital education in hybrid/online environment (HOE) and raise awareness on new digital tools and methods for work in HOE;
  • Increased target group’s professional and digital competences in using digital resources while building their conflict resolution and problem-solving skills;
  • Enhanced target group’s different skillsets and master digital tools for improving students’ necessary competences according to their specializations, using tailor-made solutions and helping them addressing different learning styles.