Course description

A screencast is a digital video recording of a user's desktop or screen that includes narration that is either recorded in real-time or is added later. To enable viewers to closely mimic the tutor's or narrator's actions, it is frequently done as a video tutorial. Similar to the phrase "screenshot," a screencast is a complete video recording as opposed to a screenshot, which is merely a single image of the contents of a computer screen.

In essence, a screencast is a recording of the user's screen activity along with user commentary. When incorporating technology into educational institutions or for teaching and demonstration purposes, it is tremendously helpful.

Screencasting has become a crucial tool for offering demos and tutorials, such as how to use specific software, play a musical instrument, or even play games, thanks to the increasing popularity of YouTube as a media channel. Besides the normal necessary equipment (like a camera, microphone and proper software) utilising specialized screen-capture hardware, such as a DVI frame grabber card, is an additional element that may boost your screencast. In fact, when screencasting games with high graphics settings, this method can dramatically lessen the demand on a machine's resources that is already having trouble keeping up with the video rendering.

In education, the use of screencasting has grown significantly, primarily in secondary schools but also in higher education.

Nowadays, screencasts are frequently used in:

·       tutorials

·       training videos

·       recorded presentations

·       video lessons

·       recorded procedures and answers to common questions

·       audio-visual feedback for students (evolution of a 1:1 conversation).

·       videos to help your substitute professor if you have to miss class.

However, screencasting has seen constant growth since even before the COVID-19 epidemic, with 50% of the world's demand for screencasting solutions coming from the education sector in 2019. And in the same year, 79% of educators claimed to regularly incorporate video into the classroom.

Simply put, screencasting is becoming more and more popular because it has so many advantages for both teachers and students.

What will i learn?

  • Knowledge: ● What screencast is ● What software there is for beginners ● How to choose the right software for your needs
  • Technical skills: ● Technical features of screencast software ● How to start your screencast video
  • Soft skills: ● How to use screencast for peer review, to support colleagues and to foster education


  • Laptop with Internet access/accounts to different sites and social media channels
  • ICT skills required such as usage of PowerPoint, Internet browsing machines, Video Recording, audiovisual media, etc.

Hara Pylarinou






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